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Smarowniczki proste H1


DIN 71412A

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Chwilowy brak. Dostępne do 7 dni.

Supply from zł27.92
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Smarowniczki proste z główką stożkową typ. H1. Wykonane zgodnie z normą DIN71412A(PN/M-86002, PN/M-86003) ze stali automatowej, cynkowane Oc. Dostępne są również ze stali nierdzewnej A1, kwasoodpornej A4 oraz mosiądzu.

Na zapytanie dostępne są również smarowniczki "samogwintujące" M6x1,0 M8x1,0 M10x1,0

Product Details
0 Items
Reference Gwint Materiał Quantity Availability Price Volume discounts Add to cart
1101156 G1/8zz Oc. 111 In stock zł1.30 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1101457 G1/4zz Oc. 61 In stock zł2.61 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1101758 G3/8zz Oc. 0 Out of stock zł7.13 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1101109 M10x1,0 Oc. 761 In stock zł1.21 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1101110 M10x1,25 Oc. 24 In stock zł1.27 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1101111 M10x1,5 Oc. 95 In stock zł1.22 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1101412 M12x1,0 Oc. 0 Out of stock zł2.41 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1101413 M12x1,25 Oc. 18 In stock zł7.48 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1101414 M12x1,5 Oc. 10 In stock zł4.05 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1101415 M12x1,75 Oc. 0 Out of stock zł3.19 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1101417 M14x1,5 Oc. 0 Out of stock zł3.10 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1101719 M16x1,5 Oc. 0 Out of stock zł6.89 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1100701 M5x0,8 Oc. 45 In stock zł1.53 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1100703 M6x0,75 Oc. 175 In stock zł1.22 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1100704 M6x1,0 Oc. 89 In stock zł1.19 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1100906 M8x0,75 Oc. 0 Out of stock zł2.85 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1100907 M8x1,0 Oc. 148 In stock zł1.22 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1100908 M8x1,25 Oc. 51 In stock zł1.09 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1121457 G1/4zz A1 1 In stock zł15.55 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1121156 G1/8zz A1 3 In stock zł8.79 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1121109 M10x1,0 A1 0 Out of stock zł4.27 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1121111 M10x1,5 A1 0 Out of stock zł9.35 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1120704 M6x1,0 A1 33 In stock zł4.85 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1120907 M8x1,0 A1 51 In stock zł3.75 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1141457 G1/4zz A4 3 In stock zł27.68 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1141109 M10x1,0 A4 15 In stock zł18.76 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1140704 M6x1,0 A4 13 In stock zł19.53 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1140907 M8x1,0 A4 0 Out of stock zł23.27 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1111109 M10x1,0 Mos. -2 Out of stock zł3.57 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
H1 M12X1MOS M12x1,0 Mos. 0 Out of stock zł7.91 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
H1 M14X1,0 MOS M14x1,0 Mos. 0 Out of stock zł8.78 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
H1 M14X1,5 MOS M14x1,5 Mos. 4 In stock zł4.39 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1110703 M6x0,75 Mos. 0 Out of stock zł5.04 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
1110907 M8x1,0 Mos. 20 In stock zł2.93 Tax incl. not available PoltechPoltech
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